Home Page

Welcome to the
Northport Bass Club Home Page

The Northport Bass Club was formed in 2005 by local area fishermen who live and fish within the West Central Alabama area.

If you’re serious about having a great time enjoying the sport of bass fishing and also like to fellowship with other anglers just like you, feel free to check out our membership section to see how you can become a member too.

We welcome the first time club angler, and encourage a family atmosphere. Don’t think you have to have a huge expensive bass rig either.

We have a great group of guys and gals, that like to get together because they like to fish. We do not look at our club as a way to supplement our income. If you fish only for the money then our club will not be for you!

We also believe in sharing information to help us all become better bass fisherman. We require all that place in the money, to share presentations, lures, colors, etc. on how they caught their fish. (Don’t worry, we do not require anyone to give out their fishing spots!)

In 2007 The Northport Bass Club became an Alabama Bass Federation Inc. federated club.  We did so due to the insurance requirements set by our city, but in doing so also give our members a chance to compete in the ABF qualifiers and possibly even qualify for FLW tournaments. There is no reason that someone from our club couldn’t advance in the TBF any more than someone in another club!

See http://www.albassfed.org/ and http://www.bassfederation.com/

Other news and topics will be posted on our club Facebook group page at Northport Bass Club      
Please check FB often for current updates.